Scholarship Search
- Category Search - Scholarships are assigned categories by your schools. This option allows you to identify and search the categories that you feel are most relevant to you.
- Keyword(s) Search - This field allows you to search on keywords associated with the scholarship.
Scholarships (34)
ACB Excel Life Happens Emergency Aid Grant - ZN 952
As part of its inclusive efforts, Santa Fe College (SF) has emergency aid grant available for participants of the Achieve, Conquer, Believe (ACB) Excel program. The ACB Excel Life Happens Emergency Aid grant is available to assist program participants facing a sudden, unforeseen financial emergency. These are not chronic situations and not situations that occur before the participants enroll in the program. The grant is overseen by the ACB Excel Program Director, Dr. Jen Homard. Funds are provided by the Santa Fe College Foundation and Ms. MacKenzie Scott to help students deal with temporary financial crises so that they can complete the SF’s ACB program.
Who is Eligible:
- Student must not have received any SF emergency grant before.
- Students must be currently enrolled in an ACB program.
- Students must have a record of good conduct.
- Students must not have outstanding debts with Santa Fe College.
What is an Eligible Emergency?
Eligible emergencies are financial situations that are immediate, short-term and severe in nature. Emergencies are not chronic and do not involve pre-existing situations. Emergencies considered by the committee include documented:
- Fire or Natural Disaster
- Loss of Childcare
- Medical Issues
- Theft of Essential Academic Items
- Transportation Issues
- Victimization
- Other (explain in narrative)
What is the Process?
Applicants: Participant seeking emergency aid must:
- Complete the online emergency aid application,
- Upload supportive and verifiable documentation (e.g., invoice, bill, etc.), and
- Meet with the ACB Program Director (or designee).
College: The ACB Emergency Aid Review Committee, on behalf of the college, will:
- Review the application
- Evaluate the documentation,
- Consider comments from the ACB Program Director (or designee), and
- Notify the applicant on whether the application is approved or denied.
Emergency grant payments will be made directly to a third party on behalf of the ACB program participant. Neither the applicant nor the student qualifies as third party. Therefore, payments cannot and will not be made to the student or to Santa Fe College.
Baccalaureate Presidential Scholarship - MS 102
scholarship is awarded as a fall, spring, and summer one-year award, subject to meeting all
requirements of the scholarship for each term.
Students who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply for the scholarship:
i. Have at least a minimum 2.5 Cumulative GPA in an AA or AS degree program;
ii. Be admitted into an SF Baccalaureate program;
iii. Have financial need as determined by either a FAFSA standardized calculation
or a statement of financial need per application requirements; and
iv. Have in-state residency or qualify for the Florida High School Graduate Out-of[1]State Waiver for tuition purposes.
Priority consideration is given to student applications based on those listed in the General
Scholarship Eligibility Section.
Students who receive a Baccalaureate Scholarship must:
i. Maintain at least a 2.5 SF Cumulative GPA; and
ii. Demonstrate adequate progress towards graduating with an SF Degree.
Baccalaureate Scholarship - FS 300
a baccalaureate degree at SF.
Students who meet the following criteria are eligible for the Baccalaureate Scholarship:
i. Enrolled in an SF baccalaureate program.
ii. At least a 3.0 All College Cumulative GPA
iii. Completed application packet.
Students who receive a Baccalaureate Scholarship must:
i. Maintain at least a 3.0 SF Cumulative GPA.
ii. Demonstrate adequate progress towards graduating with an SF Degree.
Black, Brown and Graduation Bound Sholarship - ZN 703
The criteria are listed below.
- Is of Black, Hispanic, or Multiracial Background
- Is enrolled in at least 3 credits
- Is enrolled in a degree-seeking program
- SF cumulative GPA is at least 2.0
- Has Financial Need (as per FAFSA or FAFSA Alternative)
- Santa Fe College General Scholarship Application is submitted.
Priority consideration will be given to first-generation students and Pell-eligible students.
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Scholarship - UI 760
Students who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply for the CTE Scholarship:
i. Currently enrolled in Career and Technical Education programs working on a certificate, AS degree, or AAS degree.
ii. At least a 3.0 SF Cumulative GPA.
iii. Demonstrated financial need.
Students who receive a CTE Scholarship must:
i. Maintain at least a 3.0 SF Cumulative GPA.
ii. Demonstrate adequate progress towards graduating with a CTE degree or certificate.
iii. Meet regularly with the CTE Advisor.
CCAMPIS Childcare Grant Scholarship - ZN 952
The Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) Grant is awarded to Santa Fe College (SF) by the U.S. Department of Education. The primary activity supported by this project is providing student-parents with more choices in the type of childcare they use and when they can use it.
CCAMPIS Project Goals:
- Continue to support the participation of parents in postsecondary education through the provision of child care services in qualified opportunity zones
- Continue to provide affordable exemplary education and child care services for parents and their children
- Continue to empower students through specifically designed services to stay in higher education and graduate
- Continue to evaluate/report the effects of child care services on student parent retention/graduation
To be eligible for the CCAMPIS Grant you must:
- Have a FAFSA completed and on file with the SF Financial Aid Office
- Be receiving a Pell Grant or be Pell Grant eligible
- Have a GPA of at least 2.0
- Be enrolled full- or part-time during the term in which you seek funding
- Receive no other childcare subsidies
- Students living in the Alachua County Qualified Opportunity Zones will be given priority for financial assistance. To see if you live in an Alachua County Qualified Opportunity Zone, you can look for your address on the map below:
Note: a personal statement is required as part of the application process.
Childcare Scholarship - FS 360
**Award amounts may be split between terms or awarded as billed by the Little School.Award amounts may be split between terms or awarded as billed by the Little School.
Students who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply for the Childcare Scholarship:
i. Complete SF admission requirements and be an admitted, program-seeking student;
i. Be enrolled at least half-time (6 credit hours or more) for awarded fall and spring terms, at least 3 credit hours for Summer;
iii. Have at least a 2.0 minimum SF Cumulative GPA or a 2.0 Program GPA for students with coursework;
iv. Have financial need as determined by either a FAFSA standardized calculation or a statement of financial need per application requirements
v. Show confirmation of childcare arrangements for a dependent child or children at the Santa Fe College Little School.
College Work Study - 20
Continuing Education Workforce Scholarship - MS 104
Each semester, the Continuing Education program identifies those courses that are eligible for scholarship. The determination is based on local employment needs.
The Continuing Education Scholarship may be full (covering 100% of the registration fee) or partial (covering 50% of the registration fee).
To receive a full scholarship, the student’s household income must be at or below 200% of the federal poverty threshold. To receive a partial scholarship, the student’s household income must be at or between 201%-400% of the Federal poverty threshold. Procedure 7.14P Part B Page 5 of 11
To qualify for a full or partial scholarship, a student must additionally:
i. Be a resident of Alachua or Bradford County;
ii. Meet with the Coordinator of Continuing Education to determine industry pathway; and
iii. Document Financial Need.
Continuing Education Workforce Scholarship students are not required to be degree seeking.
Scholarship students must successfully complete the curriculum and related certification. A failure to complete these requirements may result in ineligibility for future scholarships
Family Support Scholarship - MS 111
or disabled adult relatives; disabled children are not a qualifier. The scholarship is awarded as a Fall, Spring, and Summer one[1] year award, subject to meeting all requirements of the scholarship for each term.
Students who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply for the scholarship:
i. Have at least a minimum 2.0 SF Cumulative GPA or High School Cumulative GPA;
ii. Be admitted into an SF program;
iii. Provide documentation of being a primary caretaker for an elderly or disabled adult
relative. This includes but is not limited to a signed doctor's note on official letterhead or an SSA-788 Form - Social Security Statement of Care and Responsibility of Beneficiary. Statements from family members are not sufficient evidence of care.
iv. Have in-state residency or qualify for the Florida High School Graduate Out-of-State
Waiver for tuition purposes; and
v. Have financial need as determined by either a FAFSA standardized calculation or a
statement of financial need per application requirements.
Priority consideration is given to student applications based on those listed in the General
Scholarship Eligibility Section.
Awards are renewable for up to two years with no break in attendance between major
semesters (Fall and Spring, excluding Summer). Students must reapply after a break in
Students who receive a Family Support scholarship must:
i. Maintain at least a 2.0 SF Cumulative GPA; and
ii. Demonstrate adequate progress towards graduating with an SF Degree.
Fine Arts Scholarship - JI 703
students. An effort will be made to award five scholarships to each discipline: Art, Dance,
Music, and Theatre. Scholarships are awarded for fall, spring, and summer terms. Auditions
are usually held in the Spring.
Students who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply for the Fine Arts Scholarship:
i. A declared program of study in Fine Arts.
ii. At least a 2.5 Cumulative SF GPA or a 2.5 Cumulative High School GPA (depending on which institution was most recently attended).
iii. A scholarship audition/portfolio submission/interview.
iv. Evidence of leadership qualities.
v. No grades lower than a B in the chosen fine arts discipline. Incoming freshmen for fall term are given preference.
Students who receive a Fine Arts scholarship must:
i. Maintain at least an overall 2.5 SF Cumulative GPA.
ii. Actively participate in departmental events, productions and meetings as assigned.
iii. Meet with the Fine Arts Department representative for a mid-term review and registration.
iv. Meet with the assigned discipline coordinator monthly and as scheduled.
v. Refrain from performing with outside groups without permission from the Chair of Fine Arts.
vi. Demonstrate adequate progress towards graduating with a degree.
Gap Scholarship - MS 109
courses required for transfer admission into State University System of Florida institutions or
acceptance into SF limited access programs, but which financial aid will not cover because
the courses are outside of SF program requirements. Gap students are not required to be
degree-seeking if they have already been awarded an AA transfer degree, and priority
consideration is given to SF graduates. The scholarship is awarded as a one-term, flat dollar
amount, renewable by application for up to one additional term which must be consecutive
and may cross academic/ award /fiscal years.
Students who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply for the Gap scholarship:
i. Have completed the courses within the program of study;
ii. Have a financial need as documented by either a FAFSA standardized calculation or a
statement of need
iii. Have in-state residency or qualify for the Florida High School Graduate Out-of State Waiver
for tuition purposes;
iv. Documentation of required SMCPs.
Gap Scholarship Health Sciences - MS 109
Students who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply for the Gap scholarship:
i. Have successfully completed the courses within the AA program of study;
ii. Have a financial need as documented by either a FAFSA standardized calculation or a statement of need
iii. Have in-state residency or qualify for the Florida High School Graduate Out-of State Waiver for tuition purposes;
iv. Documentation of required Nursing prerequisite coursework.
Gap Scholarship STEM - MS 109
Students who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply for the Gap scholarship:
i. Have successfully completed the courses within the AA program of study;
ii. Have a financial need as documented by either a FAFSA standardized calculation or a statement of need
iii. Have in-state residency or qualify for the Florida High School Graduate Out-of State Waiver for tuition purposes;
iv. Documentation of required Nursing prerequisite coursework.
Greenhouse International Student Scholarship - ZN 933
Greenhouse Study Abroad Scholarship - ZN 934
GRU Brighter Tomorrow - ZN 377
Gainesville Regional Utilities (GRU) is offering three “Brighter Tomorrow” scholarships for current and prospective Santa Fe College students who have selected a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics) program as their program of study.
The scholarships are valued at $1000 per year for up to four years. The first disbursement of funds will be in Fall of the upcoming year.
Students who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply. Students must:
- Have graduated from an Alachua County public high school
- Be planning to enroll at or are already enrolled at Santa Fe College in a STEM program
- Be planning to enroll at UF, FAMU or another historically black college or university (HBCU) after graduating from SF, or planning to continue their education at SF in a bachelor's program after earning an A.A. or A.S. degree, with a goal of pursuing a bachelor's degree in a STEM program
- Be a member of an underrepresented demographic
- Be able to demonstrate financial need
A Santa Fe College ID number is required to apply for this scholarship. Students who do not have the required id number may get one by completing the free Santa Fe College admission application at https://ss2.sfcollege.edu/sr/AdmissionApplication/#/ .
Applications must be submitted by the deadline. Only completed applications will be considered. For questions you may contact the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs at 352-395-5648 or email Naima.Brown@sfcollege.edu.
Honors Program Scholarship - FS 301
students selected from the SF Honors Program and from the SF Chapter of Phi Theta
Kappa. The maximum number of credit hours covered by the James Gregg Honors
Scholarship is 12 credit hours for fall and spring terms and 6 credit hours for summer term.
Each scholarship will be granted for up to one full year beginning with the first semester
awarded, and are renewable for one additional consecutive year, if performance standards
of the SF Honors Program or Phi Theta Kappa are met.
Students who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply for the Honors Scholarship:
i. Current membership or recent admission to the SF Honors Program or the SF Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa.
ii. Current SF Honors Program and Phi Theta Kappa students must have a minimum 3.5 SF Cumulative GPA -with no grade lower than C. Incoming high school students recently admitted to the SF Honors Program must have a minimum 3.5 high school cumulative GPA with no grade lower than C.
iii. Evidence of leadership qualities, participation in extracurricular activities, and/or civic engagement.
Preference will be given to students with financial need. Previous scholarship recipients
must apply for a renewal of their scholarship.
Students who receive an Honors Scholarship must:
i. Maintain at least a 3.5 SF Cumulative GPA.
ii. Maintain active participation in the SF Honors Program or the SF Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, as shown by enrollment in Honors courses, participation in Honors Program or Phi Theta Kappa activities, participation in extracurricular activities, and/or participation in civic engagement.
iii. SF Honors Program students must demonstrate adequate progress towards completing an Honors Program graduation credential. Phi Theta Kappa students must demonstrate adequate progress towards graduating with a Santa Fe College Degree.
iv. Meet with the Honors Program Coordinator for a mid-semester review and registration.
v. Notify the Honors Program Coordinator of any changes in schedule, major, program, etc.
Last Mile Scholarship/Finish at the Top - MS 106
credential. The scholarship is awarded as a one-term award. Awards are renewable up to
two terms with no break in attendance between major semesters (fall and spring, excluding
summer). Students must reapply after a break in attendance.
Students who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply for the scholarship:
i. Have at least a 2.0 SF Cumulative GPA;
ii. Have 12 credit hours or less remaining to successful completion of their SF
iii. Have in-state residency or qualify for the Florida High School Graduate Out-of[1]State Waiver for tuition purposes;
iv. Have been a previous SF student, but not enrolled within the past year; and
v. Apply or have applied for re-admission to SF and be enrolled in the applicable
In addition to applicable priority considerations listed in the General Scholarship Eligibility
Section, priority consideration is given to student applications based on the following
i. Previous (continuously eligible) receipt of scholarship needing renewal for
ii. The least number of credit hours remaining for successful SF program
completion; and
iii. First generation status as identified by either the FAFSA application or by the
Life Happens Emergency Aid Grant - ZN 952
Eligibility for the Grant
• Student must not have received an SF emergency grant before
• Students must be currently enrolled
• Students must have a record of good conduct
• Students must have at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA at Santa Fe College
• Students must have completed at least 6 credit hours at Santa Fe College
• Students must not have outstanding debts with Santa Fe College
What is an Eligible Emergency?
Eligible emergencies are financial situations that are immediate, short-term and severe in nature. Emergencies are not chronic and do not involve pre-existing circumstances. Emergencies considered by the committee include documented:
• Transportation Issues
• Loss of Childcare
• Fire or Natural Disaster
• Medical Issues
• Victimization
• Theft of Essential Academic Items
• Other (explain in narrative)
Emergency Aid Process
All students seeking emergency aid must:
1) Complete the online emergency aid application,
2) Upload supportive and verifiable documentation, and
3) Meet with the Ombudsperson (or designee).
The Emergency Aid Review Committee will review the application, evaluate the documentation and consider comments from the Ombudsperson (or designee). Students will be notified on whether the application is approved or denied through an eSantaFe notification.
Emergency Grant Payments
Emergency grant payments will be made directly to a third party on the student’s behalf. Emergency grant payments will be made directly to a third party on the student’s behalf. Note that the college (SF) is not considered third party.
Open Door Grant - ZN 922
Open Door Grant Program at Santa Fe College – Unlocking Your Potential!
Ready to step through the doorway to opportunity? The Open Door Grant Program is here to help students embark on career and technical education programs.
Deadlines for application are the Last Day to Drop with a Refund for each Parent Term and B Term.
💰 What's in it for You?
- Full Coverage: Get 100% coverage for tuition, fees, assessment costs, books, and supplies.
- Priority Access: If you're a returning student, you get priority. But act fast – it's based on funding availability!
🔧 Eligible Programs: Take your pick from a variety of career-building programs, including:
- Healthcare: Emergency Medical Technology, Phlebotomy, Nursing Assistant (CNA).
- Law Enforcement: Correctional Officer, Crossover from Law Enforcement Officer to Correctional Officer, Crossover from Correctional Officer to Law Enforcement Officer.
🎓 How to Get Started:
- Connect with the Program: See if any of the eligible programs interest you and talk to a program advisor.
- Apply for Admission: Head to Santa Fe College's website and start your application.
- Show Official Residency: Complete the official Residency process for discounted tuition and to and verify Florida resident status.
- Application or Attestation: Complete the Open Door Grant Application that includes attestation.
🚀 Take the Next Step!
The gateway to your future is unlocked, and opportunity is calling. Whether starting fresh or advancing your skills, the Open Door Grant Program is the key to a promising tomorrow. Talk to a program advisor now!
Deadlines for application are the Last Day to Drop with a Refund for each Parent Term and B Term.
Open Door Grant - ZN 922 Recruitment
Open Door Grant Program at Santa Fe College – Unlocking Your Potential!
Ready to step through the doorway to opportunity? The Open Door Grant Program is here to help students embark on career and technical education programs.
Deadlines for application are the Last Day to Drop with a Refund for each Parent Term and B Term.
💰 What's in it for You?
- Full Coverage: Get 100% coverage for tuition, fees, assessment costs, books, and supplies.
- Priority Access: If you're a returning student, you get priority. But act fast – it's based on funding availability!
🔧 Eligible Programs: Take your pick from a variety of career-building programs, including:
- Healthcare: Emergency Medical Technology, Phlebotomy, Nursing Assistant (CNA).
- Law Enforcement: Correctional Officer, Crossover from Law Enforcement Officer to Correctional Officer, Crossover from Correctional Officer to Law Enforcement Officer.
🎓 How to Get Started:
- Connect with the Program: See if any of the eligible programs interest you and talk to a program advisor.
- Apply for Admission: Head to Santa Fe College's website and start your application.
- Show Official Residency: Complete the official Residency process for discounted tuition and to and verify Florida resident status.
- Application or Attestation: Complete the Open Door Grant Application that includes attestation.
🚀 Take the Next Step!
The gateway to your future is unlocked, and opportunity is calling. Whether starting fresh or advancing your skills, the Open Door Grant Program is the key to a promising tomorrow. Talk to a program advisor now!
Deadlines for application are the Last Day to Drop with a Refund for each Parent Term and B Term.
Open Door Grant Continuing Education - ZN 922
The Open Door Grant Program is a financial aid program for those pursuing career and technical education at Florida College Systems institutions. This funding is for current workers and future employees to enroll in Santa Fe College programs that lead to a credential, certificate, or degree.
Awards can cover up to 100% of an eligible Santa Fe Continuing Education course listed below. Note that any federal or state aid applied will reduce the Open Door Grant award amount(s). Per State rules, awards will be “locked in” on Santa Fe College's semester-based Last Day to Drop with a Refund for the current term.
A stipend of up to $500 may also be awarded for living expenses based on the cost of attendance and depending on available funding.
Deadlines for application are the Last Day to Drop with a Refund for each Parent Term and B Term.
To be eligible, students must:
- Be enrolled in an eligible Continuing Education course as listed below.
- Not have full educational costs covered by other federal or state sources.
- Have official In-State Residency status/Be a Florida resident for at least one year for non-educational purposes, as per s. 1009.21, F.S.
- Certify intent to pursue employment, credentialing, and/or licensure after program completion.
- Apply by the Last Day to Drop with a Refund for the Parent or B term, whichever is closest
- Certify the accuracy of all eligibility information, subject to penalties for falsification under s. 837.06, F.S.
Eligible Courses: Select from time-saving, career-building courses at SF, including:
Course Title (Catalog) | ed2go Course Code |
Adobe Certified Professional in Web Design (Vouchers Included) | GES3052 |
Asociado de Desarrollo Infantil – Base central (De Español a Inglés) | GES2139 |
Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) (Voucher Included) | GES180 |
Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) + Certified Electronic Health Records Specialist (CEHRS) (Vouchers Included) | GES182 |
Certified Medical Administrative Assistant with Medical Billing and Coding (Vouchers Included) | GES1015 |
Certified Paralegal (Voucher Included) | GES2034 |
Certified Phlebotomy Technician (Vouchers and Lab Included) | GES1045 |
Certified Professional Life Coach (Exam Included) | GES2023 |
CompTIA Certification Training: A+, Network+, Security+ (Vouchers Included) | GES327 |
CompTIA Certification Training: A+, Network+, Security+ (Vouchers Included) | GES327 |
CompTIA Security+ Certification Training (Voucher Included) | GES330 |
Freight Broker/Agent Training | GES703 |
Front-End Web Developer | GES3014 |
Human Resources Professional | GES419 |
HVAC/R Technician (Voucher Included) | GES786 |
Medical Billing and Coding (Voucher Included) | GES1014 |
Medical Interpreter (Spanish/English) | GES165 |
Optician Certification Training | GES126 |
Pharmacy Technician (Voucher Included) | GES117 |
Project Management Essentials with CAPM® Prep | GES248 |
Sterile Processing Technician (Voucher Included) | GES1028 |
Web Applications Developer | GES316 |
Asociado de Desarrollo Infantil – Base central (De Español a Inglés) | GES2139 |
Técnico HVAC/R (Incluye Cupón) (De Español a Inglés) | GES7017 |
Técnico HVAC/R para Estudiantes de Inglés (Español) | GES7018 |
Deadlines for application are the Last Day to Drop with a Refund for each Parent Term and B Term.
Open Door Grant Phlebotomy - ZN 922
Open Door Grant Program at Santa Fe College – Unlocking Your Potential!
Ready to step through the doorway to opportunity? The Open Door Grant Program is here to help students embark on career and technical education programs.
Deadlines for application are the Last Day to Drop with a Refund for each Parent Term.
💰 What's in it for You?
- Full Coverage: Get 100% coverage for tuition, fees, assessment costs, books, and supplies.
- Priority Access: If you're a returning student, you get priority. But act fast – it's based on funding availability!
🔧 Eligible Programs: Take your pick from a variety of career-building programs, including Phlebotomy.
- Healthcare: Emergency Medical Technology, Phlebotomy, Nursing Assistant (CNA).
🎓 How to Get Started:
- Connect with the Program: See if Phlebotomy interests you and talk to a program advisor.
- Apply for Admission: Head to Santa Fe College's website and start your application.
- Show Official Residency: Complete the official Residency process for discounted tuition and verify Florida resident status.
- Application or Attestation: Complete the Open Door Grant Application that includes attestation.
🚀 Take the Next Step!
The gateway to your future is unlocked, and opportunity is calling. Whether starting fresh or advancing your skills, the Open Door Grant Program is the key to a promising tomorrow. Talk to a program advisor now!
Deadlines for application are the Last Day to Drop with a Refund for each Parent Term.
Open Door Grant Stipend - ZN 923
Open Door Grant Program at Santa Fe College – Unlocking Your Potential!
Ready to step through the doorway to opportunity? The Open Door Grant Program is here to help students embark on career and technical education programs.
💰 What's in it for You?
- Full Coverage: Get 100% coverage for tuition, fees, assessment costs, books, and supplies.
- Priority Access: If you're a returning student, you get priority. But act fast – it's based on funding availability!
🔧 Eligible Programs: Take your pick from a variety of career-building programs, including:
- Healthcare: Emergency Medical Technology, Phlebotomy, Nursing Assistant (CNA).
- Law Enforcement: Correctional Officer, Crossover from Law Enforcement Officer to Correctional Officer, Crossover from Correctional Officer to Law Enforcement Officer.
🎓 How to Get Started:
- Connect with the Program: See if any of the eligible programs interest you and talk to a program advisor.
- Apply for Admission: Head to Santa Fe College's website and start your application.
- Show Official Residency: Complete the official Residency process for discounted tuition and to and verify Florida resident status.
- Application or Attestation: Complete the Open Door Grant Application that includes attestation, or the stand-alone attestation process if already awarded.
🚀 Take the Next Step!
The gateway to your future is unlocked, and opportunity is calling. Whether starting fresh or advancing your skills, the Open Door Grant Program is the key to a promising tomorrow. Talk to a program advisor now!
Part-Time Scholarship - MS 105
Students who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply for the scholarship:
i. Have at least a minimum 2.25 High School or SF GPA;
ii. Be admitted into in an SF program;
iii. Have in-state residency or qualify for the Florida High School Graduate Out-of-State Waiver for tuition purposes; and
iv. Have financial need as determined by either a FAFSA standardized calculation or a statement of financial need per application requirements.
SF Achieve Scholarship - MS 100
graduates who meet the eligibility criteria listed below. The scholarship provides a book
stipend valued at $400 per semester, based on a student enrolling in 12 credits. Enrollment
in less than 12 credits results in a pro-rated book stipend.
SF Achieve scholarship recipients whose FAFSA standard calculation is within the
threshold of the Pell Grant FAFSA standard calculation will receive additional funds to fully
cover the cost of tuition and fees for up to 12 credits (or a flat dollar amount for clock hours)
per semester if the cost of tuition and fees is more than their Pell Grant plus any other state
or local funding (i.e. Bright Futures, FRAG, FSAG, Foundation scholarships, etc.) for which
they are eligible.
The SF Achieve Scholarship will be granted to all persons who meet the following criteria:
i. Attended for least one academic year and received a standard high school diploma
from a public high school located in Alachua or Bradford County, which includes
charter schools, the Alachua & Bradford County e-Schools, and PK Yonge;
ii. Complete the Florida Residency declaration and submit any required documents;
iii. Complete the FAFSA or, if unable to do so due to citizenship status, complete other
forms provided by SF and submit requested documentation to determine financial
iv. Satisfactorily complete the senior-level SF Achieve course;
v. Sign the SF Achieve Commitment; and
vi. Enroll in a degree or certificate-seeking program at SF within one year of graduating
high school.
SF Achieve Scholarship Plus - MS 999
graduates who meet the eligibility criteria listed below. The scholarship provides a book
stipend valued at $400 per semester, based on a student enrolling in 12 credits. Enrollment
in less than 12 credits results in a pro-rated book stipend.
SF Achieve scholarship recipients whose FAFSA standard calculation is within the
threshold of the Pell Grant FAFSA standard calculation will receive additional funds to fully
cover the cost of tuition and fees for up to 12 credits (or a flat dollar amount for clock hours)
per semester if the cost of tuition and fees is more than their Pell Grant plus any other state
or local funding (i.e. Bright Futures, FRAG, FSAG, Foundation scholarships, etc.) for which
they are eligible.
The SF Achieve Scholarship will be granted to all persons who meet the following criteria:
i. Attended for least one academic year and received a standard high school diploma
from a public high school located in Alachua or Bradford County, which includes
charter schools, the Alachua & Bradford County e-Schools, and PK Yonge;
ii. Complete the Florida Residency declaration and submit any required documents;
iii. Complete the FAFSA or, if unable to do so due to citizenship status, complete other
forms provided by SF and submit requested documentation to determine financial
iv. Satisfactorily complete the senior-level SF Achieve course;
v. Sign the SF Achieve Commitment; and
vi. Enroll in a degree or certificate-seeking program at SF within one year of graduating
high school.
SF Achieve Stipend - MS 101
Stuart McRae Scholarship
Designed to support high performing students in Study Abroad activities. Students must:
- Have proven financial need
- 12 credit hours of completed college coursework
- A minimum 3.5GPA
- Submit a written personal statement indicating the relevance of the proposed study abroad trip to their career, academic and/or personal goals
Student Ambassador Scholarship - JI 740
The maximum number of credit hours covered by the Student Ambassador Scholarship is 12
credit hours for fall and spring terms and 6 credit hours for summer term.
Students who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply for the Ambassador
i. Earned at least 12 credit hours at SFCollege
ii. Has at least a 3.0 SF Cumulative GPA
iii. Demonstrates evidence of leadership qualities, participation in College activities, and/or civic and social engagement.
Students who receive an Ambassador Scholarship must:
i. Maintain at least a 3.0 SF Cumulative GPA.
ii. Demonstrate adequate progress towards graduating with an SF Degree.
iii. Participate in the Ambassador Leadership Training Workshops.
iv. Engage in Ambassador Activity Hours.
While the primary purpose of Ambassador Scholarship funds is to further the education and
training of SF students, Ambassadors are compensated with taxable income for
Ambassador Activity Hours. Ambassador Activity Hours involve service that primarily
benefits the College and Ambassadors are limited to 20 Ambassador Activity Hours in the
summer, 40 Ambassador Activity Hours in the fall and 40 Ambassador Activity Hours in the
Student Support Services STEM - ZN 961
Textbook Scholarship Barnes and Nobles - ZN 375
The minimum requirements for the award of this scholarship are:
- Santa Fe College student (not a student temporarily taking classes at SF without full admission)
- Minimum half-time enrollment (6 credit hours) for the applicable term.
- Aug. 1st (8/1) for Fall of each academic year
- Dec. 1st (12/1) for Spring of each academic year
- April 1st (4/1) for Summer of each academic year
Amounts will become visible to scholarship winners soon after the selections. The amounts are visible on winners' accounts, but does not pay out directly to students; scholarships are distributed as $200 in bookstore credit that can be used directly with the Barnes and Nobles College bookstore. The scholarships must be used within 2 major terms of winning/selection, or the scholarship is forfeit/returned.
Scholarships are provided by Barnes and Nobles College Bookstores, Inc.
XX_SF Achieve Scholarship - EFC TESTING - TM
graduates who meet the eligibility criteria listed below. The scholarship provides a book
stipend valued at $400 per semester, based on a student enrolling in 12 credits. Enrollment
in less than 12 credits results in a pro-rated book stipend.
SF Achieve scholarship recipients whose FAFSA standard calculation is within the
threshold of the Pell Grant FAFSA standard calculation will receive additional funds to fully
cover the cost of tuition and fees for up to 12 credits (or a flat dollar amount for clock hours)
per semester if the cost of tuition and fees is more than their Pell Grant plus any other state
or local funding (i.e. Bright Futures, FRAG, FSAG, Foundation scholarships, etc.) for which
they are eligible.
The SF Achieve Scholarship will be granted to all persons who meet the following criteria:
i. Attended for least one academic year and received a standard high school diploma
from a public high school located in Alachua or Bradford County, which includes
charter schools, the Alachua & Bradford County e-Schools, and PK Yonge;
ii. Complete the Florida Residency declaration and submit any required documents;
iii. Complete the FAFSA or, if unable to do so due to citizenship status, complete other
forms provided by SF and submit requested documentation to determine financial
iv. Satisfactorily complete the senior-level SF Achieve course;
v. Sign the SF Achieve Commitment; and
vi. Enroll in a degree or certificate-seeking program at SF within one year of graduating
high school.